Living, Sharing, & Celebrating Christ's Love in Our Community

Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod 

  Church  /  Pastors
Pastor Dan Decker

A word from the Pastors
Thank you for your interest in our parish. We favor the term pastor because it identifies the church's leading servant with the one we try model ministry upon, the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. As Jesus sought to bring God's good news of forgiveness and salvation to all the situations He faced, we seek to bring the comforting assurance that we have a ready Friend who loved us enough to die for us. Shepherding God’s people involves pointing them to Christ, teaching them the paths God would have them walk, warning them when they stray from God's paths, and comforting them with the Good News of a God who restores us when we fall. We try to share the message we need ourselves: that our Triune God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things, because He works through us. While each one of us has different areas of specialization, our first focus is to deal with God’s people one-on-one, with teaching, counseling, visitation and prayer support. If there is a need that you feel we can assist with, please don’t hesitate to contact us.